Yesterday, I read an article by Nurul Izzah at Sinar Harian. She said that she is concerned with our student's achievement. This is according to our student's score at TIMSS.

Halfway reading her article, I was ready to give my vote to PR. Based from her previous talks & articles, I know that she is influenced by Tariq Ramadan's work. And this is a very good thing to me; that is to have someone inside the PR who understand Islam in the "natural and beauty way", not Islam that is based on Pas's definition.

Apa yang saya cari adalah perkataan "PPSMI" dalam artikel tu. I know, there are lots of reasons why our student's did so bad during TIMSS examination, but PPSMI are also a part of the solution.

Tapi itulah, dah nama pun politician. Bergerak dengan parti. Idea tak boleh sama. Biarlah sebijak mana pun idea lawan, idea buruk dari parti sendiri juga yang perlu diperjuangkan.

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